Friday, February 24, 2012

10. Lena's Grapefruit Candy

      My grandmother, Lena O'Neill Bowen, had a candy treat that my sister Nancy and our cousins Kathleen and Elizabeth Rider and I, all her grandchildren, really loved. She made it when we were visiting so we could watch and anticipate the results.
      She would fill three small saucepans with a sugar and water mixture and boil it until it was a syrup. Meanwhile she would cut the rind off several grapefruits in top to bottom slices so they looked like small canoes. We would help her scrape off some of the white yukky stuff on the inside of the slices.
     Then each pan of syrup would get a different drop or two of food coloring. When the syrup was a bright red or green or orange, the grapefruit sections would be cooked for awhile ( I don't know how long). They would then be laid out on wax paper to dry and cool.
     We really loved eating this treat, as it was nice and gummy and loaded with sugar crystals. Now what kid wouldn't like something like that?

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